
Arrays are often the set of the variables that can be called upon when mapping shifts. Or, in this series a set of parts that create the experience. Arrays is also a speculative space of movements and discovery that are based on the extraction of scientists and practitioners, layered, iterated, mixed, composited, shifted, glitched, rearranged, interpreted, re-mystified, highly emotive, droning and channeled into a composition of mini compositions.

Arrays in many ways encompasses the data based generative practice I’ve had for over a decade now. Threads of sonnified data, along with field recordings, vocal samples, instrumentation, analog and digital processes make up the sound. Visually, the data is either texturing three dimensional spaces, creating the three dimensional space or a combination of both being the textures and the structures. There are three main threads in Arrays, they are essentially arrays and arrangements of different data sets and metaphorical spaces.The first data thread in Arrays is Fluid  (i.e ice and water) the second is Growth (i.e. biological and astronomical phenomena), the third is Movement ( i.e aspects of physics, dynamical systems.) Through my practice I have been collecting data and audio-visual material for each of these threads and have been composing this work in parts for the past several years; I have been building a library of sounds and visuals. As an artist who often works with generative systems, I iterate. In this piece I will be combining different channels, threads, components, data sets, sounds and spaces together, to create a space of spaces where the sounds and visuals are shifting and mixing and repeating in different components, compositions that are also one composition—containing ice, nano physics, geology, zoology, astronomy and more.

Excerpt Example 1

Visuals are created with or informed by: Nano-physical Data, Info-Sec Data. Renders are captured from C4D. Generative data processing for textures also done in Jitter using displacement, glitching and averaging algorithms.

Sounds are created with: Guitar Instrumentation, data sonification, analog pedals, amps and digital processing. Sounds processed, captured and composed with Max/Msp and Ableton.

Excerpt  Example 2

Technical Info: Visuals are created with:  Nano-physical Data, Solar System and Biological Data. Renders are captured from C4D and Unreal Engine. Generative data processing for textures also done in Jitter using Computer Vision and Averaging Algorithms.

Sounds are created with: Guitar Instrumentation, data sonification, analog pedals, amps and digital processing. Sounds processed, captured and composed with Max/Msp and Ableton.

While the work for the installation portion will not be deterministic, I am extracting from this volume for permanence and collection. I will publish this work as a limited sound series on cassette disk with Oxtail Recordings.The final publication has four compositions, but can be heard as one composition with bridges of sound and visuals between the four parts.

For the installation, generatively, each video channel will overlap the other and move between each other as the algorithms slightly shift the visuals using the data, sounds and time as the mapping component. The sound will be spatialized playing across channels in the space. Each channel is a thread in metaphor and in the set of data that makes it.

For performance the threads of this series will be played in variable intermixing audio-visual sets.