
Arrays are a set of the variables that can be called upon when mapping shifts. It's also a set of parts that create the experience. It's a speculative space of movements that contain the extractions of scientists and practitioners. It contains pieces of past performances and installations. All together, layered, iterated, mixed, composited, shifted, glitched, rearranged, interpreted, re-mystified, emotive, droning and channeled— arrays is a composition of compositions.

Cities 1 (excerpt)

Arrays, published by Oxtail Recordings, is Clarke's first full length sound release. It includes data sonification material that began with her journey exploring geophysical data sets from the Hudson river (Acoustic Imaging the Hudson), than layers into similar data from Antarctica and the Arctic (polar), and is combined with field recordings from the east coast of Greenland where she lived for a month to witness the place and daily life where the data was taken from. The work also samples the resonant glass instrumentation and vocals from her performances, such as Cities are natural recorded at Pioneerworks by Clocktower Radio, and her Sila performance at the Silent Barn. It includes guitar and field recordings from the mid Atlantic region and cities of the American East Coast, blended with sonnified infastructure data.

Altogether the album combines work spanning many facets of Clarke's experimental sonic lexicon and generative trajectory in an emotive yet structured journey of pieces. A listening journey through different threads, components, data sets, sounds and spaces. Arrays brings listeners into what she describes as "a walk thru spaces of data + life."

Cities 3 (excerpt)

Cities 4 (excerpt)

Confluence Intro (excerpt)

The sound

polar hudson:
data sonification from the Hudson river (subbottom profile), Antarctica (subbottom profile) and Arctic climate data, field recordings from Greenland the surrounding waters and ice with resonant glass instrumentation

electronic and digital distortions of polar hudson content with analog feedback

confluence (intro) + confluence (extended):
field recordings from the Potomac and Shenandoah confluence region, guitar and vocals, with digital and analog distortion and feedback

cities 1-4:
field recordings from Brooklyn, NYC and DC infrastructure data sonification, resonant glass instrumentation, and guitar with analog feedback and digital distortion

guitar and vocals, with digital and analog distortion and feedback

guitar and vocals, with digital and analog distortion and feedback

Visuals for the limited eddtion cassette, performance and video excerpts.

Cover art: Supernova vertices textured by displacement patterns
Inside art: Arctic Ice Images and bathymetric data composited using computer vision
generatively texturing a a three dimensional iceberg.

Visuals for performance and video are created with:  Geo-physical, Astrological, Biological and Urban Infastructure Data. Renders are captured from C4D and Unreal Engine. Generative data processing for textures also done in Jitter using computer vsion, averaging  and displacement algorithms.



Recent Performance Images + Video

Playing parts of Cities 1-4 on September 27th 2024, at Wonderville, Brooklyn, NY.